Put your game on AUTOPILOT so you're not "in your head" around beautiful woman...

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Approach Woman Without Rejection

Conventional wisdom and pickup advice is completely wrong: beginning an interaction with a woman isn't about "picking her up" or even "opening" her — it's about getting her undivided attention. You're not trying to attract her. You're not even trying to begin a conversation with her. You're simply getting her to FOCUS…

Get Her To Flirt With You and "Turn The Tables"

We're going to show you how to SPARK her emotions, so that she can't help but LOCK ONTO YOU. And before you know it, she'll be fighting for your affections. This is SO MUCH FUN when you learn how to turn the tables on her. Just say just a few phrases and watch her JUMP ALL OVER YOU.

Make Her Want You and Only You

How do you make a drop-dead 10 want YOU? I’ll be honest—at the nightclubs we go to, a LOT of guys have good "game." But Zack and I are laying them all to waste. Because we know how to get women to share their DEEPEST desires, fantasies and emotions with us… letting us see a side of their personality VERY FEW men will EVER see. And you’ll know how you can do the same.

HOw to "Seal the Deal"

With most guys "sexy time" with a woman comes awkwardly, drunkenly, after five dates, or not at all. That's because they don't know how to AROUSE a woman without making her freak out. But in The Advanced Dating Strategies, we're going to show you how to turn her on so it will be HER desire that leads you to the bedroom – all you've got to do is make sure you're "prepared"...